
Dear Ladies,

I just want to remind you this is your only chance to post pictures for the lunch contest.
It ends tomorrow at 2:27.
Thank you very much!!


  1. Dear Hannah,
    Your contest sounded very fun to me, and I hope that you got some photos. If not, maybe you can try it again in a few months. We love your creative ideas! Unfortunately, the lunches Uncle Dan and I have had lately are not particularly colorful or interesting.
    Aunt Kathy

  2. Hannah,

    I'm so sorry I missed the deadline! Last week was VBA at our church and most of my lunches were just sack lunches or eat something real fast lunches, so I didn't get any pictures. If you do the contest again, I would love to enter!

    ~Miss Sarah

  3. Hello, Hannah Dear!

    Ohh! I'm SO sorry that I wasn't able to enter...things have been really busy around here, and...=( Yep. But, YES! I really think you should do it again...that way more girls can enter! It was a wonderful idea.

    Love and Blessings,
