

What a busy last few days we've had! We have spent the last few days (since Friday) in the Hands to the Plow recording studio. Dad, Greg, Dani, Amanda and I came up here on Friday and started recording. Since then, we've done a lot of stuff and worn ourselves out. :) I even fell asleep for awhile in the studio. :) We did all the vocals yesterday, and all of Greg's guitar. Dad went home yesterday to go back to work, so yesterday it was just the 4 of us here. Mom will be coming up later today with all the children. Today is our bass player's and mom's day! Hopefully all will go smoothly. It has so far. We've gotten so much done in a "short" amount of time. We asked for God's hand in and on our CD, and we have been greatly blessed.

Here are a few pictures from our time:

Greg, doing vocals in the sound-proof booth
Practice makes perfect, right?
Our girls' vocal set-up. My mic was the front one, obviously, Amanda was on the side, and Dani was on the opposite side of me. It worked out very well, and we did SO much better than last year! Mr. Ferguson (our recording guy... :) whatever you call it!) said we were like a whole different band than last year! YAY!
Mr. Ferguson... he does a great job!
In the sound booth (you get the "behind-the-scenes"!!)
Amanda, getting ready to record
Me... I had a hard time recording one of the songs (they are all a surprise until it comes out!). I KEPT forgetting my words and having to start over... :P But it DID get recorded! :)
Dani, recording vocals...
and mandolin!

Anyway... we've been busy! We are very excited (or at least I am!!) to have this out!

Just thought I would give you a sneak-peek into our life right now!


  1. Can't wait to hear y'alls CD! I'm sure it'll be fantastic!

  2. Thank you so much for the post, Emily! It was so neat to see pictures! I can hardly wait to, LORD willing, hear y'all's new CD!!!!!

    May God bless you!!!
    Much love and Many hugs,
    Martha Joy
