
Praises, People and Parties

Dear Sisters,
I would like to share with you some of the lessons God has been teaching me these last few weeks. It is so important to keep in remembrance what the LORD is doing in our lives and refresh our memories in the wondrous deeds our Master has performed. O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works. ~Psalm 105:1-2

Sisters are a treasure!

 One of the lessons the LORD has been speaking to me about is on the subject of delighting in the LORD. This subject has been on my heart for years and is so deep, it cannot be fully covered, but here are a few of my thoughts. I believe that every person is seeking fulfillment and joy in something. As beings created in the image of God, we have a design and purpose we are put here at this time and place, yet we sometimes wander and seek temporal pleasures instead of choosing what will LAST and the REASON we were created: to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. When we delight ourselves - find joy and fulfillment in - the LORD, then all else will fall in place (as we know in Psalm 37:4 says Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.) Jesus alone can fill all our desires and needs if we will just come to Him first. There may be things in life that we desire and pray will come to pass, but we must commit each of these passions to our LORD and Savior with open hands, allowing HIM to shape our future as He sees best. I am learning to not hold on to my own desires so tightly, but to willingly allow the LORD to take my LIFE and let Him determine the future. I am also in the process of learning that even though I desire a “good thing”, does not mean that is God’s BEST for me at the time I desire it. This teaches me to patiently wait on the One who knows my future and will work all things out for His glory. I am His vessel; He created me; He gave His life for me, so why not give mine back to Him as an offering of thanks? I praise the LORD I can put my trust in Him and He will never fail me.

We spent so many special days together with Fab. We were so blessed - Our dear friend, Mrs. H. invited us to her home for a "Girl's Time". We spent the afternoon and evening talking, knitting, playing a fun word game, practicing some fun quartet music with cello, violins and viola, had a delightful dinner, fellowship and many special memories. What a blessed time!

We all had such fun practicing

So how do I delight in the LORD? How do I abide in Him? What does this look like? I believe RELATIONSHIP is one of the most important aspects of this pursuit. How can you delight in someone if you don’t know them? How can you abide in fellowship with someone without getting together with someone? This relates to my God and Savior as well! To abide in Christ is to spend time with Him! How do I grow in this relationship? There are two basic ways we spend time with the LORD – by reading His Word and praying. So how much time are we willing to commit to the One who fills us with Living Water? This is the most important relationship we could ever invest our time in – so may we each learn to seek DILIGENTLY after the LORD Christ. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. ~Jeremiah 29:13

Fab has such a sweet little dog - Suzie and Peanut got along very well.
We were asked to play music for a nursing facility.

 What a blessing to sing together as a family to the LORD. I want to embrace this time He has given me... it can be easy to look ahead to the things I don't have or things I would like to have, but am I truly making the most of the moments God has given me right now? I can never relive these years. Bloom right where you are planted - don't wish your life away. I think we can get focused on what we don't have instead of appreciating what we DO have, thus wasting such precious time when we could reap a bountiful harvest of those who faithfully embrace the work God has sent in front of them. Embrace the moments! Live today to the LORD as if it were your last! And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. ~Colossians 3:17

Leah warms the hearts of many by her sweet smiles and singing "You Are My Sunshine".

How do we glorify God? Would it not encompass THANKSGIVING?! Thanksgiving – eucharisteo- is to be grateful. When I am thankful to the LORD, I will rejoice no matter what He sends my way. It is a deep rest and trust in the One who holds life, and it is my responsibility to accept whatever storms, trials, victories and blessings He allows in my life, because I know that He will use the circumstances in life to sanctify me. Am I giving thanks to the LORD no matter what? That even when the difficult tests come, I will rejoice. If I can only be thankful when life is running smooth, what does this say about my perception of God? That I can only trust Him when things are going “my way”? This is not trust. This is not thanksgiving. We must choose to give thanks in ALL things, trusting God for the outcome. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. ~1 Thessalonians 5:18

Leah and I spent some special time, making a mini gingerbread house.

Samuel is getting really excited about reading the Word. He is studying Colossians right now and was telling me today how much he was learning. I am thrilled to see the hunger and thirst for the Word in the lives of my youngest siblings! I praise God that they view God's Word as precious.

Leah got to make this cute picture with Amanda. Special memories.

Getting ready for Arizona involves practicing music on a daily basis. It has been neat to see the songs coming together. Please pray for us as we embark on our 3rd annual trip to the south.

Mom made some special sugar cookies with the children which they all so enjoyed. This was a real treat, as we almost never decorate cookies! What fun.

Do you ladies appreciate your parents? This week, we studied about honoring our parents – what God’s Word says about that and how we live it out. First of all, when we honor our parents, it honors the LORD. What does honor mean? What does it look like? To honor is to revere, or value. Do you value the instruction of your parents, their counsel and advice? When we respect them and give ear to their teaching, this pleases the LORD. Even when you think you have a better idea or solution, still it is our FIRST responsibility to take heed to their counsel. Honor is obeying out of LOVE and respect to them from the heart. The root and ultimate goal must be to glorify God in our attitudes and heart, so we must cultivate a heart of humility (honoring often means putting my own ideas aside in respect of our authorities – this requires dying to self!), because God hates pride. May I encourage you to appreciate your parents – leave a little note of thanks in your Dad’s car or lunch for him to find, expressing your gratefulness for all his hard work – He needs our support and thanks to encourage his heart. Mom always loves a hug or word of thanks for all her faithful labor for the family. Seek out ways to lighten the load of your parents and family. The LORD has so richly blessed us – we must look for ways to honor Him by blessing our parents.

Even Greg and Emily joined in the fun!

The LORD has done marvelous things! Do you not agree? His ways are far beyond all we could think or imagine. I just glorify His Name for the faithful work He is doing in each of our lives. I can’t express my awe at the Mighty God we serve. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. ~Ephesians 3:20-21

Grandpa was out in the cold when I was out taking picture. He let me photograph him! What a special blessing to live right next door to my grandparents. I have seen so many works of the LORD by this incredible opportunity. Minister and give of your self to the work of the LORD right where He has you in life - don't wait for a missions trip to an oversees country to give of your BEST to the Master! Do it now!

Marvelous beauty around here as we enjoy the warm indoors. One day, our power went out for a few hours, and we became truly thankful for the usually warm house the LORD has blessed us with. Daddy just said this morning that often we don't appreciate the blessings we have until they are taken away for a time or for good. Be a thankful person, delighting in all the gifts God has given you.

I have also been learning about the importance of faithfulness in the least. We are called to be diligent and faithful with whatever the LORD sets in front of us, serving Him in all things, not for our own benefit, but to His glory. The way we respond to little duties (cleaning the bathrooms, washing dishes, helping watch the active children, even when you had other plans, giving of yourself when you see a need, etc.) in life will determine how we handle the bigger things later in life. How can the LORD trust us with more if we are not content and joyful with what we have now? I think of how many young ladies desire marriage and a home, but are they joyfully serving their parents right now, enjoying the little ones (if they have any) and giving of themselves right NOW? As a daughter living at home, you don’t have the whole house to care for yet – are you overwhelmed with the duties that have been assigned to right now? We must learn to be found faithful in every task our parents ask of us, and this will glorify the LORD.

Happy New Year! We had a neat time with some families from our Bible study, fellowshipping, and playing games to celebrate 2013.

Some of the little ladies were enjoying books during the lively games.

Children are a priceless treasure from the LORD. Time goes by so quickly - I so want to embrace the moments I have right now in my family, love each sibling and spend time with them - invest in their lives! Don't wait for tomorrow to do what you could do today. Just a word of encouragement, a hug or even a smile can brighten the day of a discouraged sibling.

A little sample of our evening with dear brothers and sisters in our LORD!

We still have a very important blog post to complete, but it will have to be a sister project! Our dear sister, Fab, has gone home to her family several hours away from us. Her car broke down 3 times, so a friend offered to take her home. The LORD worked out that the 4 of us girls were able to drive with our friend to take her halfway home. What a blessing those last few hours were. Although the parting was very hard, we are blessed by the communication we still have with her. Please pray for Fab as she is diligently ministering to her family.
May I encourage you all to seek the LORD diligently - ask Him for wisdom to direct your steps. Honor your parents by the way you spend your time; ask them how you can serve them, for in short, this is serving the King of kings and LORD of lords!

Because of Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. Dani, Thank you so much for your blog post and what you shared, God's continued blessings to you. Fight the good fight of Faith! Jenna A.
