
Long Forgotten

If there are ANY who are still checking our blog and waiting for updates, WE ARE SORRY! Life has never seemed to settle into any sort of routine, each day holding its own adventures, and sitting down for any length of time to compose a blog post just didn't make its way onto the to-do lists. BUT, we would like to do better! :)

First I would like to share a FEW highlights of this fall season with you, then some writings...
One of the huge highlights to this fall was attending the Christian Heritage Home Economics Conference on the other side of the state. What a huge blessing that was for each of us. One of our favorite things about the trip was the evening we spent at the ocean! None of us have visited the incredible waters for years, so we reveled in the beauty (and got some special pictures together!)

Just sisters ♥

While down in Seaside, we met up with many special friends. What a wonderful time for fellowship and refreshment!

The twins had their 9th birthday last month!

We were so grateful Greg was able to help us celebrate. He's putting some long hard hours at work, so we always love the time we get to spend with him!

Special friends visiting...

One of the fun times we had while they visited was taking a walk, even though it was a bit chilly! :)

Sweet friends

Another highlight to the fall was helping a family with their last festival days on their produce farm. We were so blessed by fellowship with friends once again and made some special memories!

I got an opportunity to try out some portraits and Sam was my first subject! :)

Em needed her photos done as well! :) We had a great time together.

It's always fun to laugh and talk while you're doing ANYTHING together. I wouldn't trade these precious years in my home for anything!!

Miss Peanut got her photo taken as well. She kind of needs a bath and a hair cut, but her floppy ears and attentive face was pretty cute! :)

As this seems to be the season of thanksgiving, I hope you don't mind if I share a few thoughts I had on giving of thanks this month...

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
~1 Thessalonians 5:18
The giving of thanks is crucial to a joyful Christian life. As I ponder “thanksgiving”, I have to start with some questions. I believe the LORD loves to be asked and sought out in the big and the little issues of life.  Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. (John 16:24). So, what does it mean to give thanks? Why did Christ command us to give thanks? What are the results of following through with this command? Why is the will of God in Christ Jesus to give thanks, not only for the “good” or lovely things, but for ALL things? And how do I do that?
                In my own personal life, as with anyone, there are many ups and downs; good days and trying days. Living in a sinful world, means  there WILL be trials, temptations, discouragements, dry times and hardships – we are promised that all who live godly will experience refining (2 Timothy 3:12). How we RESPOND to the difficulties makes all the difference in the outcome of each trial. How we react to the hurdles God allows in life shows our true character and in whom we are placing our trust.
 I have desired to see the blessings in the big and yet the very smallest of circumstances. This is not easy unless I pay attention to the details! God is a God of details, which we would realize if we just stop and take a look around us at the intricate world in which we live. I believe if we took time out of our busy, hurried lives to ponder what the LORD has done for us, and to actually obey what we are commanded – to give thanks in ALL things –  we would see some incredible changes and the deep joy of the LORD fulfilled in our lives, which is one of my greatest desires. Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness. (Psalm 107:8-9)
So how do we go about this change? First we must look at what it MEANS to give thanks. The Greek word eucharisteo is defined: grateful, that is to express gratitude. Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines thanksgiving: rendering thanks for good received; the act of rendering thanks or expressing gratitude for favors or mercies.  The next step we must take is identifying what our mercies or favors are. Why must we stop to give thanks? Why did Jesus command us to walk in this state of thanksgiving? Our Savior, who designed our very bodies, souls and spirits, knows exactly what will fill us, what will give us joy, what will draw us closer to Him. Our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us; therefore He will orchestrate circumstances in my life that will HELP me to achieve my purpose for living. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. (Colossians 3:15) Why are we created? To glorify God and enjoy Him forever, as the Westminster Catechism states. For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. (1 Corinthians 6:20)How do I glorify the LORD? By doing what He commands! John 15:10-12 states: “If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” There is great joy that follows when we live out our created purpose.

By choosing gratitude over complaining, this shows a heart that is willing to accept whatever God gives. It reveals a life willing to embrace whatever God allows in our lives, trusting that He is sovereign over all and will only give what is best for us. If we look around us, we will see so many unhappy marriages, a plethora of depressed people – why? Could we see in each circumstance a lack of thankfulness? Complaining basically says, “I think I know what is best for me – I want it to go my way, and if it doesn’t, I will not be happy”; giving thanks to the Father says, “I will trust You LORD that whatever You allow is for my growth and my benefit, so I will accept it and give you thanks for all things, as You commanded.” If we could see the end result and how it conforms us to His image, how it transforms our countenance and worldview, we would rather embrace the hardships that only draw us closer to our loving Heavenly Father. Why can’t we learn to trust Him and show this by giving thanks to Him? This is my question. I believe it takes practice, a constant death to self, because in our flesh, we would not walk this path of joyful thankfulness. We must count our blessings and CHOOSE to give thanks, even in the seemingly hard and painful things, knowing that the working of the Spirit is changing us to reflect Him.
I believe God speaks clearly to this subject and our simple responsibility is to obey - no matter the difficulty. The blessings that will be poured out cannot be numbered and as we take each moment as a gift from our Creator. Let us turn our hearts toward thanksgiving, allowing the joy of the LORD to fill our hearts and minds as we lay ourselves, our desires, our “rights”, our future in the hands of the Living God who truly doeth ALL things well! Hallelujah!

We are so blessed - what a wonderful amily I have!! I am SO grateful to God for each of these siblings!
Blessings to you all,


  1. I like how you signed your name Dani! :-) Abby,A

  2. Thank you so much for posting, Dani! It's so fun to hear from you! :) Thank you for all of the sweet and beautiful pictures - I really enjoy seeing your sweet faces! :) - and for sharing the encouragement (and for writing the article ;)! I love you, dear! Blessings!
    P.S. Your signature in the sand is really neat! :) I haven't been to the beach since I was a baby, so don't remember that much about it. ;)

  3. Dani, Thank you for posting, I really appreciate what you shared and the time you took to share it is such an encouragment to me! Thank you, you sharpen me and help me in many ways, the Lord Jesus Christ bless you, thanks again for taking the time to be faithful....I just might copy and paste what you wrote so I can print it and read it more!
