
Dear Ladies,
The LORD has been doing so many amazing things in my life lately, as I've been trying to serve my LORD better. He has used my family and other people to show me areas to work on and become more like Christ. I am excited to continue in my Christian journey and it's always exciting to learn something new and grow more in the LORD. We have started a devotion by Bible Bee (they put it out for the summer) and we're going through the book of Colossians and really dissecting it. What an exciting way to study the Word of God!!! I highly recommend it. If you're interested, I can post a link to where Mom printed out the devotional for us! :) Anyways, our family has been very busy besides all the normal thing of life and growing in character. :) It has been good though... I was just thinking, Mom shared something with me the other day. When life gets busy and sometimes overwhelming, I think it's easy to get overwhelmed, but a good friend of ours shared with Mom that God knows the exact ingredients to put in our life to make us turn out into the perfect YOU! He allows certain things in each of our lives to grow us in the ways He wants to make His "recipe" turn out! So don't reject the hard times and trials... embrace them as on of the ingredients to make you grow into the person God wants you to be. I was encouraged by that, because I know for me, it's easy to get frustrated at the small irritations in life and let things get you down, but when you realize God sees the big picture and has a plan for each of us, knowing that what He allows will grow us in His image, it's easier for me to accept those hard things.

Part of my family and I went on a walk a couple nights ago in this BEAUTIFUL weather we're having here!!! What a blessing and a fun time to spend as a family. It was gorgeous, and I brought along my camera and really wanted to post some pictures. :) So I hope you enjoy the pictures. May the LORD richly bless you all.

Samuel and Rebekah being CUTE!!

Emily and Leah together

Every one but me on the walk! :) This is just up our road.

I wanted a picture with Leah, so she smiled with me! :)

During our walk, Leah just plopped into the wheat field, and I caught the cute smile!



  1. What a lovely post, dearie! So glad to see you back on blogger ;)
    What you shared about getting overwhelmed - and not having to! - is something that I really needed to hear. Bosom friends think alike, eh? :) *hugs*
    The pictures that you shared are SO cute!! Thank you for posting them. Squeeze Leetle Beetle for me...I hope she liked her 'happy birthday' song! :)


  2. Thank you for commenting, Dearie! :) That made me so happy and encouraged me. I am SO thankful the post was something you needed to hear. What a blessing. I'll have to keep blogging, huh? *hugs* I'll give Leah a squeeze for you, Dearie! :) Love you so much,
